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Different lower_case_table_names settings for server '2' and .
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The docker image currently supports: running utorrent under its own user (not root) changing of the UID and GID for the utorrent user docker run --rm --privileged multiarch/qemu-user-static:register --reset Once registered you can define the dockerfile to use with -f Dockerfile.aarch64. Versions. 10.02.21: - Rebase to focal. 20.01.21: - Deprecate UMASK_SET in favor of UMASK in baseimage, see above for more information. Install Transmission using Docker. Before starting the Docker Transmission installation guide, make sure to follow our previous guides where you can learn to Install Docker on Ubuntu, Windows 10 Pro/Ent, and Windows 7 and 8. Docker, un contenedor aislado para ejecutar un cliente de descargas torrent como Transmission.
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How many time you wanted to have a quick torrent client running on an headless server instance, but y Tagged with docker, torrent, transmission. Docker Desktop is a native desktop application designed by Docker for Windows and MAC users. It is the easiest way to run, build, debug, and test the Dockerized apps. Torrent File Content (142 files).
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